Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A new year has begun. I have moved from home back to Rexburg, Idaho to return to school! During all this time of  good change, the lyrics of Sara Barielles' song "Uncharted" keep running through my mind. The lyrics perfectly describe my life currently. One line particularly stands out to me, " Compare, where you are to where you want to be, and you'll get nowhere." I have no idea where my life is going to take me at the moment, but I have always had this image of the person I want to be. In the quiet moments of my life when I get caught up with my thoughts, I imagine myself in a few years as this confident and bold person, who has a strong relationship with my heavenly father, and I always know who I am. I am not saying that I now don't know I am a child of my heavenly father and who has great worth. I am saying that I know everything about myself and absolutely love the good things and improve my weaknesses where needed. Lately, I imagine myself as a Nurse living in Monterey, California. :) This is the person I want to be in a few years time. I know that I can't necessarily control where I live or when exactly I will finish my nursing degree because things come up and the Lord has another direction that he points you towards. There are certain things I can control, and sitting around just thinking about who I want to be will not change who I am now.  I guess you can say this is one of my resolutions to everyday work my way toward the person I want to be.
On Sunday, I spent most of the day at Mitzy's home with my parents. Mitzy is a dear friend of the family who used to live in Yuba City. She told me that I seemed different from a year ago. I seemed more confident and grown up. I think she is right. I feel like I have changed a lot during this year, I am definitely not the super shy girl from high school, but I still feel like I have a long way to go before reaching my resolution.
Another resolution that I have that has somewhat to do with my other resolution is living every moment of my life to the fullest. I would like to force myself into focusing more on the present rather than filling my mind with thoughts of the future. I am going to have goals and aspirations for the future in mind but not consuming my whole brain. I want to be satisfied with everyday. I want to make everyday. I never want to go to bed feeling there was something I should have done differently. Also from "Uncharted":
 "I won't go as a passenger, no
  Waiting for the road to be laid
Though I may be going down,
 I'm taking flame over burning out."

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